Cool dips in the river, nights gazing up at the stars, refreshing cold drinks; summer time has arrived. While the heat may be a nice break for us in Oregon and Washington, it is not so refreshing for forklifts.  As the temperature increases, the number of service calls and problems due to heat flood in. With forklifts in high demand during the summer time, these machines are working harder in more severe conditions. While it is common knowledge to keep your employees cool and happy in the heat, the machines get overlooked. Regular inspections prior to using a forklift, are vital to longevity. Even though every machine has its own quirks, there are some general steps that can be taken to help your forklift from becoming burnt out.  

I.C. forklifts (propane, Diesel, and Gas) face the same basic issues as automobiles. However, forklifts are not blessed with the travel speed that an auto cooling system enjoys. Checking coolant levels, the condition of the fan belt, and the radiator for any debris build-up are some things to inspect regularly. A lift truck is designed to have the cooling fan pull air from the engine compartment and blow it out of the back. This flow is similar to a vacuum cleaner, and just like on a vacuum cleaner, if build-up occurs, the flow begins to die and the machine becomes less efficient. With every service job at Norlift, we thoroughly clean the cooling system, so that this flow can continue unhindered.

While most people have a general idea on how an I.C. machines cooling system works, electric forklifts work differently. Electric machines are more prone to heat driven problems.  Early designs of electric forklifts used resistors as a speed control (some still do), these resistors will generate a great deal of heat. Due to this excessive heat, it is vital to keep it clean as to prevent a possible fire hazard. Newer electric forklifts have a more sophisticated control method, with a safer way to combat the heat, but regular inspections promote the highest efficiency.

Just as with your employees, it is important to check on your machines to keep them happy as the heat builds. Through routine checks, your forklift will feel and perform much better.  For a more in-depth job, come on by and have Norlift take a look. If you see your Norlift technician creating a cloud of dust from your machine, rejoice as the removal of all of this is one of the best things to reduce down time due to a burnt out forklift. The more care you give to your machine now, the longer it will be productive and remain a part of your team. Additionally, if your forklift is in good condition, it means more time for you and your employees to get back to that summer time fun. It would not be fun to miss out on running through the sprinkler with your kids, or not get to sit by the water with a cool drink because you to have to stay at work to fix a forklift. 


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