Norlift is Open with Safety Measures in Place

Norlift of Oregon Inc. is open and operating as an essential business with respect to the state mandated stay-at-home orders for both Oregon and Washington.

Norlift is a material handling distributor deemed essential in the supply chain. We provide products and services to vital industries which include food production, healthcare, public utilities, telecommunications, transportation, warehousing, distribution, construction, manufacturing, and waste recycling in both the private and government sectors.

As an essential link in the supply chain to these critical sectors, Norlift’s equipment distribution, parts, service, and rental operations will remain open and operating during our standard operating hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  We ask for your patience as our ability to assist may be slower than normal as we have many members on our team working remotely to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.

We will continue to follow the guidelines prescribed by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and state and local health authorities. In this constantly changing situation, we will take actions that are warranted as new information emerges. The health and safety of our employees, business partners, and the extended members of the various communities in which we operate will continue to be our utmost priority.

We thank you for your support during these challenging times. We truly hope that you, your families and your communities remain healthy and safe.

Thomas R. Leslie