To celebrate our hard working team, we recently dove into a nostalgia filled day at Oaks Park, a place proudly boasting that it is 'where the fun never ends'. Armed with a lot of food (ice cream included), deluxe ride wrist bands, and a childlike sense of wonder, Norlift employees and their families celebrated summer. 


As the group trickled into the picnic area, they were greeted with good company and great food. Once properly fueled by egg salad, chips, and fresh off the grill burgers and brats the amusement park called. From the little choo-choo train to the new roller coaster, smiles and laughter reigned supreme. However, when the lines looked daunting, or the sun was a bit too hot, our picnic spot in the shade acted as a safe haven. Here, the dedicated camp dads hung out, keeping the snacks stocked and the refreshments cold all day long. 

Oaks Park was a fun way for us to show appreciation to our team for all the amazing work done on a daily basis.