A LAYOUT TO ACHIEVE high productivity

When remodeling a kitchen, designers advise to be mindful of how your work triangle fits within the room. They look to create an easy flow between the three primary locations: sink, refrigerator, and stove. This work triangle, while seemingly insignificant, sets up the room's usefulness and ease of use. So why, on a much larger scale, do so many companies not apply the same thought process to the design of their warehouse floor plan? 

Just as in the kitchen, you modify your warehouse to cater to your specific needs. If you brew a ritual coffee every morning, your coffee machine should be easy to access near all of your coffee components, not stored in a corner. In a warehouse, the location of aisles, the types of shelving and storage, and the ease of use all come into play. When a floor plan is properly planned and executed, workflow feels natural and the company is more productive. We can help you optimize your warehouse space with many different options. Whether you have ideas to improve your space, or if you don't even know where to start, our sales team can assist you. 

To make your warehouse work like a well-oiled machine, various aspects come into play. As an employer you are required to provide a safe environment. As a business, you aim to increase productivity to meet high demands and stay afloat in a competitive society. Both of these have to work together in an environment that is catered to your product and your facility. Sometimes, it is a small change; other times, a full remodel can help you achieve this. The best way to see if something works is to ask those who work in the warehouse space. Through a seasoned sales team, we have seen what works and what does not.



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