As the 21st century keeps slipping past in a blur, people can feel the pull to be faster, work harder, and produce a better than ever product. With these pressures companies are searching for ways to increase productivity and meet the demands that are necessary to stay afloat. One solution is to call upon machines. Forklifts increase productivity in all sorts of work environments. A forklift is a complex machine with many different parts and pieces all coming together to help companies get different jobs done efficiently and effectively. 

 It is always important to keep forklifts in good working condition, after all, a downed forklift slows production. Another productivity killer is an improperly trained workforce. Not only is operator certification required, it also boosts efficiency and reliability. When an employee is properly trained, that is one less thing for a company to worry about. OSHA requires operator re-certification every three years, allowing operators to revisit the basics and learn new safety features. 

While training does not guarantee that an accident will not happen, it does prepare operators to problem solve and think ahead while operating a machine. This drastically decreases the likelihood of an accident; in addition, it can help protect the employer if something does occur.

When training, there are three different ways to get the training necessary for employees:

1. Come on in and train at Norlift. We offer training at our facility every Friday. Our wonderful trainers will provide knowledge, skills, and preparation for your employees to be safe and certified. 

2. Ask for a Norlift trainer to provide on-site training. We offer training at your workplace as an option. Sign up online, and let Norlift know when our trainer can come by. This allows the employees to be trained in a familiar location and gives the trainer an opportunity to review possible safety hazards. 

3. Send your trainer through the Norlift Train the Trainer course. We also offer a class for your trainers so that they can train your other employees. 

No matter how training is performed, it needs to be completed. Don't put yourself and others at risk by not  properly training all operators. Be smart, get trained. 

Call today or sign up online!

To inquire about our training courses, contact us at (503) 209-1021, or sign up online by clicking the button.